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Honors Thesis
- Honors theses are due at Noon on the day of the University Dissertation/Thesis Deadline for the quarter in which you are graduating. You must be a registered Stanford student during the quarter in which you graduate.
- Your thesis must be signed by two readers: your primary advisor and a second reader. The primary honors advisor should be on the faculty at Stanford (consulting/adjunct faculty are okay). The second reader should be a faculty member or other researcher familiar with your general area of inquiry.
- Your thesis must contain signatures for each reader in the following format (with parenthetical and bracketed text filled in as appropriate)
"To the Directors of the Program on Symbolic Systems:
I certify that I have read the thesis of (Printed Name of Student)
in its final form for submission and have found it to be satisfactory for the degree of
Bachelor of Science with Honors.
(Printed Name of Reader)
(Printed Name of Reader's Department )"
- If signatures cannot be obtained hand-written, then your reader(s) may sign by email sent to symsys-directors [at] (symsys-directors[at]lists[dot]stanford[dot]edu) prior to the deadline for thesis submission, using the wording above. Any electronic signature must be sent from the reader's officially listed university email account. The signature page should read "Signed electronically" on the signature line of your turned-in thesis, with all other information present as above.
- A copy of your final thesis must be submitted in two formats before it is due. Both versions must include advisor and reader signatures.
- In hard copy, bound, two-sided, on 8 1/2 x 11" paper, delivered to: Associate Director, Symbolic Systems Program, Mail Code 2150, Margaret Jacks Hall, Suite 127, Stanford, CA 94305-2150
- In a pdf version through Stanford Digital Repository. Submission details will be provided by the Student Services Officer in the weeks prior to the thesis deadline.
Honors Theses Examples
- Recent honors theses in our program are available in the Stanford Digital Repository, at
- See also: