Core Requirements
Updated December 6, 2024
(added CS 229S to options for post-CS 106B Computational Methods requirement, 12/6/24; added PHIL 188B as an option for Advanced Philosophy, 11/11/24; added text to Note 1 in the Preparations section pointing to Replacement Petition option for students who completed MATH 51 or CME 100 prior to September 2023, 10/1/24; added PHIL 181A as an option for the Advanced Philosophy and Cross-Area Requirements, 9/17/24)
Effective August 15, 2024 - version G4.2 (students who declared in prior years may use requirements in effect during that year or later. See the Bulletin Archive for past versions of the requirements.
The Core defines the required program of courses that all students in the major must complete, and is distinguished from a student's Concentration. Core requirements are on average completed earlier than a student's Concentration, but the only requirements that impose explicit restrictions on when a course can be completed during a student's undergraduate career are the Gateway and Capstone requirements. The presentation of Core requirements below is meant to convey information about the conceptual precedence and preferred sequencing of courses in the Core. Course instructors may, additionally, restrict entry to certain courses to students who have completed listed prerequisites, See the information specific to each course in ExploreCourses and consult with course instructors for more information on the expected or required preparation for each course.
NOTE: All Core courses must be passed for 3 units or more, with a letter grade of C- or better, or with an S grade, or an equivalent no-option passing grade, except as modified by the Covid-19 policies in effect during 2020-2021. See the Minimum Units Policy, Grading Basis Policy and Minimum Grade Policy under Major Policies for more details. See also the procedures for Course Nominations and Replacement Petitions.
In order to graduate with a B.S. in Symbolic Systems, a student must complete the following core courses, plus a five-course Concentration. The Course Plan form for the Bachelor of Science degree summarizes the structure of both the Core and the Concentrations, as well as how they interact.
The Program Directorate is open to requests to allow courses that are not currently listed as options for fulfilling a major requirement. See Nominations and Petitions.
Preparations: These courses should be completed early in the major
Gateway Course
Must be taken before a major declaration can be approved.
- SYMSYS 1: Minds and Machines (CS 24, LINGUIST 35, PHIL 99, PSYCH 35)
Calculus and Linear Algebra
A total of at least 14 units, toward which any of the following may be counted:
- Single Variable Calculus [see NOTE 1]. In most cases, a student's first 10 units toward the Calculus and Linear Algebra requirement will consist of units in this category.
- MATH 19: Calculus (3 units)
- MATH 20: Calculus (3 units)
- MATH 21: Calculus (4 units) [see NOTE 2]
- 6 units replacing MATH 19 and 20, or 10 units replacing MATH 19, 20, and 21, earned through Advanced Placement or other international exams. (NB: Units cannot be counted for both AP/exam credit and the courses that the credit replaces.)
- Multivariate Calculus and Linear Algebra. A student for whom the Mathematics Placement Diagnostic recommends placement beyond the level for which they have unit credit may take courses beyond MATH 51 or CME 100 in the list below to comprise the additional units needed to meet the 14 units requirement.
- One of the following [see NOTE 3]:
- MATH 52: Integral Calculus of Several Variables (5 units)
- MATH 53: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Fourier Methods, and Modern Applications (5 units)
- MATH 61CM: Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods (5 units)
- MATH 61DM: Modern Mathematics: Discrete Methods (5 units)
- MATH 62CM: Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods (5 units)
- MATH 62DM: Modern Mathematics: Discrete Methods (5 units)
- MATH 63CM: Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods (5 units)
- (Note: MATH 63DM is not included in this list, but does count for the Probability Theory and Statistics Breadth Requirement under Formal Methods.)
- CME 102: Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers (ENGR 155A) (5 units)
- CME 104: Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations for Engineers (ENGR 155B) (5 units)
NOTE 1: At the request of the Mathematics Department, the Mathematics Placement Diagnostic option that was previously available for fulfilling all or part of the Single-Variable Calculus requirement may be used by students who were declared and approved as Symbolic Systems majors before the end of the Academic Year 2022-23. See the 2022-23 Bulletin for the G4.0 requirements if you are eligible to complete them. Students who were (a) placed into MATH 51 and (b) passed MATH 51 or CME 100 with a letter grade of C- or better prior to September 2023 may submit a Replacement Petition under the Requirement Versions Transition category to request SymSys major credit for MATH 19, 20, and 21, regardless of when they declare(d) the SymSys major.
NOTE 2: Effective Autumn 2023-24, Credit for MATH 21 or 10 units of credit for single variable calculus is an enforced prerequisite for enrolling in MATH 51 or CME 100. Please read the Math Department's rationale for requiring MATH 21 prior to a course in multivariable calculus.
NOTE 3: The Symbolic Systems Program recommends MATH rather than CME or ENGR courses as preferred ways for most students to learn multivariate calculus and linear algebra, because of their more extensive coverage of linear algebra methods used in many higher level courses which are options for the major.
Breadth Requirements: One three-quarter sequence of training in each of four methodological areas, plus a Cross-Area Requirement
Philosophical Analysis
Courses that focus on critical, deep questioning, careful reasoning, introspection, and argumentation, and the meaning of intuitions, scenarios, and evidence. Each of the following:
- An introductory course in the Philosophy Department or a Thinking Matters course taught by a Philosophy Department faculty member. One of the following:
- Any course of 3 units or more listed with a PHIL course number (with the exception of PHIL 99/SYMSYS 1)
- THINK 69: Emotion
- Writing in the Major (WIM) Course.
- PHIL 80: Mind, Matter, and Meaning
- An advanced undergraduate Philosophy course that lists PHIL 80 as a prerequisite. One of the following (NB - Some of the options below may stipulate additional prerequisites and/or instructor permission):
- PHIL 107B: Plato's Later Metaphysics and Epistemology
- PHIL 132: Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty (PHIL 232)
- PHIL 160: What are Laws of Nature? (PHIL 260)
- PHIL 164: Scientific Realism, Perspectivism, and Antirealism (PHIL 264)
- PHIL 167D: Philosophy of Neuroscience (PHIL 267D, SYMSYS 206A)
- PHIL 173B: Metaethics
- PHIL 175: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 180: Metaphysics (PHIL 280)
- PHIL 181: Philosophy of Language (PHIL 281)
- PHIL 181A: Philosophy of Language (PHIL 281A)
- PHIL 182H: Truth (PHIL 282H)
- PHIL 184: Formal and Informal Epistemology (PHIL 284)
- PHIL 184B: Formal Epistemology
- PHIL 184D: Collective Epistemology and Shared Inquiry
- PHIL 185J: The Philosophy and Science of Perception (SYMSYS 205)
- PHIL 186: Philosophy of Mind (PHIL 286)
- PHIL 187: Philosophy of Action (PHIL 287)
- PHIL 188A: Explanation (PHIL 288A)
- PHIL 188B: Advanced Undergrad Seminar: Striving and the Nature of Belief
- PHIL 189: Reduction and Grounding (PHIL 289)
- SYMSYS 207: Conceptual Issues in Cognitive Science
Formal Methods
Courses that focus on rigorous definitions, axioms, theorems, and proofs, and their use in developing mathematical theories and meta-theories. Each of the following:
- Formal Logic. One of the following:
- Theory of Computation. One of the following:
- CS 103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing [corequisite: CS 106B or X]
- CS 154: Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory [prerequisite: CS103 or significant proof-writing experience (see the course description for CS 103)]
- PHIL 152: Computability and Logic (PHIL 252) [prerequisite: PHIL 151]
- Probability Theory and Statistics. A course that covers the theory of probability and is grounded in multivariable calculus. One of the following:
- CS 109: Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
- STATS 116: Theory of Probability
- STATS 110: Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
- MS&E 120: Probabilistic Analysis
- MS&E 220: Probabilistic Analysis
- EE 178: Probabilistic Systems Analysis (same as EE 278A)
- CME 106: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers (ENGR 155C)
- MATH 151: Introduction to Probability Theory
- MATH 63DM: Modern Mathematics: Discrete Methods
Computational Methods
Courses that focus on software design, data structures, algorithms, development, applications, evaluation, and simulation. Each of the following:
- Programming I. One of the following:
- CS 106A: Programming Methodology
- Equivalent preparation, as evidenced by successful completion of CS 106B or 106X
- Programming II. One of the following:
- A post-CS 106B course covering one or more broad computational methods with a substantial programming component. One of the following:
- CS 107: Computer Organization and Systems
- CS 107E: Computer Systems from the Ground Up
- CS 129. Applied Machine Learning
- CS 147L: Cross-platform Mobile App Development
- CS 221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
- CS 229: Machine Learning (STATS 229)
- CS 229S: Systems for Machine Learning
- CS 230: Deep Learning
Empirical Cognitive Science
Courses that focus on questions, hypotheses, models, predictions, and explanations that are derived from or testable in neural and behavioral data. Each of the following:
- Overview of psychology.
- PSYCH 1: Introduction to Psychology
- An introductory area course. covering a disciplinary division or subdivision, in cognition, language, and neuroscience. One of the following:
- BIO 150: Human Behavioral Biology (HUMBIO 160)
- LINGUIST 105: Phonetics (LINGUIST 205A)
- LINGUIST 130A: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (LINGUIST 230A)
- LINGUIST 130B: Introduction to Lexical Semantics
- LINGUIST 145: Introduction to Psycholinguistics (LINGUIST 245A, PSYCH 140)
- LINGUIST 150: Language and Society
- PSYCH 30: Introduction to Perception
- PSYCH 45: Introduction to Learning and Memory
- PSYCH 50: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
- PSYCH 60: Introduction to Developmental Psychology
- PSYCH 70: Self and Society: Introduction to Social Psychology (SOC 2)
- PSYCH 75: Introduction to Cultural Psychology
- PSYCH 141: Cognitive Development
- PSYCH 154: Judgment and Decision-Making
- Linguistic Theory. A course applying formal methods to language and communication. One of the following:
- LINGUIST 110: Introduction to Phonology
- LINGUIST 116A: Introduction to Word Formation
- LINGUIST 121A: The Syntax of English
- LINGUIST 121B: Crosslinguistic Syntax
- LINGUIST 130A: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (LINGUIST 230A)
- LINGUIST 130B: Introduction to Lexical Semantics
- LINGUIST 134A: The Structure of Discourse: Theory and Applications (LINGUIST 234)
- LINGUIST 145: Introduction to Psycholinguistics (LINGUIST 245A, PSYCH 140)
- LINGUIST 160: Historical Linguistics
Cross-Area Requirement
A non-introductory course, which has as a prerequisite at least one Core course (or equivalent), and which combines methods and subject matter from at least two Breadth areas in the Core.
- Suggested courses for most students. Any of those listed below:
- CS 147: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design
- CS 229: Machine Learning (STATS 229)
- LINGUIST 130A: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (LINGUIST 230A)
- LINGUIST 180: From Languages to Information (CS 124, LINGUIST 280)
- PHIL 152: Computability and Logic (PHIL 152)
- PHIL 154: Modal Logic (PHIL 254)
- PHIL 167D: Philosophy of Neuroscience
- PHIL 181: Philosophy of Language (PHIL 281)
- PHIL 181A: Philosophy of Language (PHIL 281A)
- PSYCH 204. Computation and Cognition: the Probabilistic Approach
- PSYCH 209: Neural Network Models of Cognition
- Any other course on the full list of approved Cross-Area Requirement courses
Full list of courses for the Cross-Area Requirement (updated September 27, 2024)
Experiential Requirements: These should be completed later in the major
Advanced Small Seminar Requirement*
- An approved course which
- Builds on the Core Preparations and Breadth Requirements
- Enrolls no more than 20 students
- Is an interactive, discussion-based seminar
*May be double-counted for an applicable Concentration requirement, but not for a Core requirement.
Full List of Advanced Small Seminar Course Options
An experiential requirement consisting of the following components, planned in consultation with, and approved by, a student's Concentration Adviser (3 or more units each). To obtain approval for your Capstone plan, please submit the Capstone Approval Form. Note, this form must be submitted in addition to your Symsys Course Plan. Additionally, your Capstone plan is subject to final approval by the Symbolic Systems Program office. The Capstone Approval form must be approved by end of first week of Winter Quarter, Junior Year (or the 8th quarter of undergraduate enrollment).
A project or internship-accompanying course. One of the following:
- SYMSYS 190: Senior Honors Tutorial (taken under a student's Honors Adviser)
- A course with a SYMSYS listing in the 195-series or CS 177: Human-Centered Project Management (approved project courses, taught at an advanced level, that build on the Core Breadth Requirements, which integrate across the formal or computational and philosophical or empirical parts of the Core)
- Supervised research with a faculty member on an approved symbolic-systems related project, taken as SYMSYS 196: Independent Study, or one of the following department-based courses:
- COMM 199: Individual Work
- CS 197: Computer Science Research
- CS 199: Independent Work
- EDUC 190: Directed Research in Education
- LINGUIST 199: Independent Study
- MATH 360: Advanced Reading and Research
- PHIL 196: Tutorial (Senior Year)
- PHIL 197: Individual Work, Undergraduate
- PSYCH 195: Special Laboratory Projects
- PSYCH 199: Individually Supervised Practicum
- STATS 199: Independent Study
- SYMSYS 192: Symbolic Systems in Practice (must be taken in conjunction with an approved internship or service project)
- One of the following courses, taken in conjunction with section leading in a SymSys Core course:
- SYMSYS 197: Practicum in Teaching SYMSYS 1
- PSYCH 182: Practicum in Teaching PSYCH 1
- CS 198: Teaching Computer Science
Integrative Requirement*
Either an additional research project course (e.g., the second course of an Honors Project) or a Concentration-Specific Integrative Course. The Integrative Requirement must be completed no earlier than the Junior Year.
One of the following (the first three bulleted options are the Standard Options available across all Concentrations):
- SYMSYS 190: Senior Honors Tutorial (continuation of the course taken for the Practicum requirement)
- A course with a SYMSYS listing in the 195-series or CS 177: Human-Centered Project Management (approved project courses, taught at an advanced level, that build on the Core Breadth Requirements, which integrate across the formal or computational and philosophical or empirical parts of the Core)
- Supervised research with a faculty member on an approved symbolic-systems related project, taken as SYMSYS 196: Independent Study, or one of the following department-based courses:
- COMM 199: Individual Work
- CS 197: Computer Science Research
- CS 199: Independent Work
- EDUC 190: Directed Research in Education
- LINGUIST 199: Independent Study
- MATH 360: Advanced Reading and Research
- PHIL 196: Tutorial (Senior Year)
- PHIL 197: Individual Work, Undergraduate
- PSYCH 195: Special Laboratory Projects
- PSYCH 199: Individually Supervised Practicum
- STATS 199: Independent Study
- An approved Concentration-Specific Integrative Course (CSIC) taken within a Concentration. CSICs are courses that integrate the themes of the Concentration with the Core requirements, i.e. Breadth Requirements other than in the area of the Concentration itself.
*Units must be applied to a student's Concentration
Presentation Requirement (not a course requirement, check-off only)
A public presentation of the student's work at one of the following annual events:
- Symbolic Systems Autumn Poster Fair for Summer interns and Capstone Projects
- Symbolic Systems Spring Graduation Fair for Capstone and Master's Projects
- Symbolic Systems Senior Honors Forum at the end of Spring Quarter
The above Core is part of the G4 requirements (with later variations noted in each year's Bulletin), which took effect on September 1, 2020. Students who had sophomore standing as of Fall 2020, or have declared a SymSys major prior to Fall 2020, have the option to continue under the G3 requirements.