Glushko Prize - Fernanda Kramer ('23, M.S. '24)

Congratulations to Symbolic Systems graduate Fernanda Kramer ('23, M.S. '24) who is the recipient this year of the Symbolic Systems Program's Robert Glushko Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Symbolic Systems.
Fernanda is being recognized for her senior honors project, "Distinguishing News, Journalism, and Promotional Content in the Digital Age," under the supervision of Todd Davies (Symbolic Systems Program) and Cheryl Phillips (Communication Department).
The Robert Glushko Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Symbolic Systems is funded by a generous gift from Robert J. Glushko ('74, Psychology). Dr. Glushko is Adjunct Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California Berkeley and an honorary member of the Cognitive Science Society. He received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science in 1979 at the University of California San Diego, where his dissertation advisor was the late David Rumelhart -- who served as Professor of Psychology at Stanford (and later Professor Emeritus) from 1987 until his death in 2011. Prize recipients receive a certificate and a monetary award.

Fernanda Kramer