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Yoav Shoham

Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus

PhD, Yale (1986)
Academic Appointments
Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Computer Science
Honors & Awards
Research Excellence Award, IJCAI (2019)
Fellow, Game Theory Society (2018)
Feigenbaum Prize, AAAI (2017)
Allen Newell Award, AAAI/ACM (2013)
Fellow, ACM (2013)
Influential Paper Award, AAMAS (2011)
Best Paper Award, ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (2010)
Best Paper Award, ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (2009)
Autonomous Agents Research Award, ACM/SIGART (2008)
Charter member of the Game Theory Society, International Game Theory Society (2008)
Yoav Shoham is professor emeritus of computer science at Stanford University. A leading AI expert, Prof. Shoham is Fellow of AAAI, ACM and the Game Theory Society. Among his awards are the IJCAI Research Excellence Award, the AAAI/ACM Allen Newell Award, and the ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award. His online Game Theory course has been watched by close to a million people. Prof. Shoham has founded several AI companies, including TradingDynamics (acquired by Ariba), Katango and Timeful (both acquired by Google), and AI21 Labs. Prof. Shoham also chairs the AI Index initiative (, which tracks global AI activity and progress, and WeCode (, a nonprofit initiative to train high-quality programmers from disadvantaged populations.


Research Interests