SSP Forum: Eleanor Selfridge-Field on Musical Similarity

Monday, October 19, 2020
Zoom meeting
Photo of Eleanor Selfridge-Field

Symbolic Systems Forum

Musical Similarity in Copyright and Cognition
Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Music Department

Monday, October 19, 2020
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Zoom video recording


Musical similarity is defined in many ways, all of them imperfect.  Exactitude somehow defies the meaning of the word similarity—a likeness without precise replication.  In practical use musical similarity is a  frequent consideration in music-copyright infringements suits.  Here we investigate reasons for the widening gap between legal understandings of musical similarity and findings in current research in music cognition.  These dichotomies are pertinent: (1) The confrontation between commercial definitions of musical content and the intellectual ones that are foundational in analytical and philosophical enquiries; (2) the inherent conflict between the musical work as defined in sound and in a written score; and (3) the missed opportunity for meaningful dialogue between prosecutors of high-profile cases in music-infringement and proponents of cognitive approaches to similarity studies.