SSP Forum: Computer Science and Civil Society @ Stanford on Ethics in CS Research

Monday, November 2, 2020
Zoom meeting
Logo for Digital Civil Society Lab, Stanford PACS

Symbolic Systems Forum

Ethical Analysis As a Core Part of CS Research
Students from Computer Science and Civil Society @Stanford
Digital Civil Society Lab

Monday, November 2, 2020
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


This talk is meant to foster discussion on ethical analysis of technological research: particularly, why it's important and how CS researchers can be equipped to analyze tech in an increasingly digital society. We will discuss important issues we knew about before CSCS, how they apply to real world examples as well as our own work, and lessons we've learned for general ethical analysis going forward. We are all students and still learning ourselves, so we are excited to discuss and learn from all of you!


Computer Science and Civil Society (CSCS) is a Stanford graduate student group dedicated to bringing more discussions about the social implications of CS technologies and research to the Stanford CS Department and the broader campus community. In the past year, we've reflected on our own research, discussed the limits of algorithmic fairness, how race is embedded in technology, when not to build tech, and how computing can affect social change. Our members collaborate on research and advocacy projects, like our recent group opinion piece in Scientific American. We've also hosted speakers from the Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (FAccT) research community.