SSP Forum: Evan Wisner and Davyn Sudirdjo

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460), Room 126
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Symbolic Systems Forum

Orbits: Conceptual Limits to Queer Science
Evan Wisner (M.S. Candidate)
Symbolic Systems Program


Seeds of Change: Evaluating the Influence of Mindset on Farmer Productivity
Davyn Sudirdjo (M.S. Candidate)
Symbolic Systems Program

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
4:30-5:20 pm
Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460), Room 126


(1) Evan Wisner, "Orbits: Conceptual Limits to Queer Science" (primary advisor: David Hong, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
     Every other week “The Transgender Question” makes a reappearance, as social commentators and political activists attempt to advocate for or against the continued existence of transgender people in society. Despite constituting less than one in 200 Americans, transgender people are highly salient to the public conscience. Given the highly sensitive social and political circumstances of this group, and the potential for science to be misconstrued in the service of various political agendas, research into Queer topics must be especially cognizant of how studies are designed, carried out, and how results are framed. This project builds on Queer Theory to present a modular framework to inform empirical investigations in Queer Science, providing a conceptual foundation for carrying out high quality, inclusive, and communicable research.

(2) Davyn Sudirdjo, "Seeds of Change: Evaluating the Influence of Mindset on Farmer Productivity" (primary advisor: Carol Dweck, Psychology)   
     This study explores the impact of mindset theory – specifically, the concepts of fixed and growth mindsets – on farmer productivity. While mindset theory has been applied extensively in fields like education, business, and sports, its application in agriculture has been limited. This research seeks to address this gap in the literature and provide empirical evidence on the relevance of mindset to farming outcomes. Farmers face numerous challenges that require adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning – traits associated with a growth mindset. The potential benefits of a growth mindset in farming might include greater resilience in the face of agricultural uncertainties, improved adaptability to innovative farming practices, and enhanced ability to learn and develop farming skills.
To investigate this potential, we conducted a randomized controlled trial among farmers in East Java, Indonesia. The intervention aimed to foster a growth mindset among the participants and assess the subsequent impacts on farming productivity, adoption of innovative practices, and resilience to farming challenges. The findings of this research have the potential to inform agricultural policies and practices, suggesting that fostering a growth mindset among farmers could be a valuable strategy for enhancing farming productivity and sustainability. Further research is needed to refine these interventions and investigate their long-term effects.


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