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SSP Forum: Community Discussion of "A.I. Revolution"

Monday, October 14, 2024
Lower Level Courtyard between Buildings 460 and 420

Publicity image for "A.I. Revolution", an episode of the PBS Nova series. the background image shows the front of a human eyeball.

Symbolic Systems Forum
(community sessions of SYMSYS 280 - Symbolic Systems Research Seminar)

Community Discussion of "A.I. Revolution"

Monday, October 14, 2024 
12;30-1:20 pm PT
Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460), Lower Level Courtyard
(Special outdoor location)
In-person event, not recorded(see below for entry instructions if you are not an active Stanford affiliate)

Note: Lunch is provided, if pre-ordered, only for members of SYMSYS 280, but others are welcome to bring a lunch and eat during the presentation.


Join Symbolic Systems community members (students, faculty, and researchers) for an organized discussion of the 53 minute video "A.I. Revolution", a recent episode of the PBS Nova series. This session of the Symbolic Systems Forum will take place in the lower level courtyard between Buildings 420 and 460, where separate tables will facilitate small-group breakout discussions. This Forum is a chance to for community members to talk to and meet each other, as well as to discuss the video. Attendees should watch the full video linked above prior to this session.