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Michael Hausser - Illuminating causal links between neural circuit activity and behavior

Thursday, June 6, 2024
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Stanford Neurosciences Building
290 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Gunn Rotunda (E241)

Join us at Gunn Rotunda in the Stanford Neurosciences Building to learn about the latest cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary brain research, from biochemistry to behavior and beyond

Join the speaker for coffee, cookies, and conversation before the talk, starting at 11:45am.

Illuminating causal links between neural circuit activity and behavior


Understanding the causal relationship between activity patterns in neural circuits and behavior is one of the fundamental questions in systems neuroscience. Addressing this problem requires the ability to perform rapid and targeted interventions in ongoing neuronal activity at cellular resolution and with millisecond precision. I will describe results of experiments using a powerful new "all-optical" strategy for interrogating neural circuits which combines simultaneous two-photon imaging and two-photon optogenetics. This enables the activity of functionally characterized and genetically defined ensembles of neurons to be manipulated with sufficient temporal and spatial resolution to enable physiological patterns of network activity to be reproduced. We have used this approach to identify the lower bound for perception of cortical activity, probe how brain state influences the role of cortex in perception, and provide causal tests of the role of hippocampal place cells in spatial navigation.


Michael Hausser, Ph.D.

University College London

(Visit lab website)

Bio Coming Soon


Hosted by - Linlin Fan, Ph.D. (Deisseroth Lab)


About the Wu Tsai Neuro Seminar Series

The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute seminar series brings together the Stanford neuroscience community to discuss cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary brain research, from biochemistry to behavior and beyond.

Topics include new discoveries in fundamental neurobiology; advances in human and translational neuroscience; insights from computational and theoretical neuroscience; and the development of novel research technologies and neuro-engineering breakthroughs.

Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held Thursdays at 12:00 noon PT.

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